Note:  Names in South Broward red indicate they have already sent money for the 55th Reunion September 20, 2013.

Note:  If both spouses are alumni, they are listed separately. 1958 Surnames are in BOLD font.

65 classmates and 22 significant others plus 2 entertainers = 89 as of September 20, 2013.


Lucile Abruzzini Barile

Teresa Lynch and Dick White

Brenda Adams Scruton and Jamie

Glenn Manning and Kay

Eugene Aspy

Buddy Markley

Larry Aument

Joanne Mendoza Iwens and Ralph

Chris Barile

Louis Morningstar and Carole

Bob Barranco and Janyce

Leonard Oorbeek

Gil Beyer

Carol Parker Wilcox and Monte

Barry Birdy and Nancy

Pat Patterson Lavat

Ruthe Brigden Swindell

Ellen Platt

Gerald Burford

Richard Regenburgh

Linda Busch Marant

Jimmy Ricketts

Mac Chira Hill

Sherry Rorapaugh Casamento

Wanda Cobb Hill

Lynne Ryan Eberhardt

Reta Cochran Grant

Nancy Salisbury Huntley and August

Helen Cromer Erwin

Edward Schindeler

Carol Davis Grampa

Malcolm Singer and Katherine

Diane Dunmire Barile

Richard Alan Smith

Larry Elliott

Barbara Snyder Clampett

Justine Fabianich and Sal Lomonico

Leo Sorel

Frances Feigel Snyder

Pat Spahn Goss

Enid Godfrey Markley

Elizabeth Starcher Gaudious

Harvey Goldstein

Rita Swann Moors

Lita Goldstein Poehlman and Ron

Bernard Swindell

Tom Goon and Ana

Jerome Tognoli

Steve Greenberg and Judy

Tony Ulino and Kathy

Barbara Haffendorfer Brant

Mary Ann Ungulo Sills

Linda Hartwell O'Connor and Keith

Sharon Vernborg Dones

Sue Hendrickson Long

Lou Vitucci

Joyce Jacoby Rothstein and Al

Patty Warner Collins and Jim

Cynthia Kindernay Ballard

Delores Watson Allen

Anna Kneissel Tiffin and Dick

Mike Wesson and Kathryn

Adele Krause Dolansky

Tom Wester

Shirley Wilson Martel and Ken

John and Wanda Dillaberry (Entertainment and guests)