50th Reunion Picture Set 6 from Leo Sorel |
Carol Sweet Tripodi, Cynthia Kindernay Ballard, Loren Kemp, Mary Ann Ungolo Sills, Diane Geintz Kunstel |
Carol Sweet Tripodi, Cynthia Kindernay Ballard, Leo Sorel, Mary Ann Ungolo Sills, Diane Geintz Kunstel |
Buddy Markley and Leo Sorel |
Tyll Van Geel, Ed Schindler, and Leo Sorel |
Eddie McManus, Murilla Wester and Tom Wester |
Ruthe Brigden Swindell |
Lucille Abruzzini Barile and Lita Goldstein Poehlman |
Chris Barile and Gerald Burford |
Leo Sorel and Lita Goldstein Poehlman |
Harvey Goldstein and Richard Smith |
Sal Lamonico, Justine Fabianich, and Tony Ulino |
Diane Campbell Sarver, Leo Sorel, Joyce Jacoby Rothstein, and Faye Wright Galinat |
Diane Campbell Sarver, Richard Smith, Joyce Jacoby Rothstein, and Faye Wright Galinat |
Diane Geintz Kunstel and Lita Goldstein Poehlman |
Leo Sorel and Carol Davis Grampa |
Buddy Markley |
Robert Reeves and Lynne Ryan Eberhardt |
Barry and Karen Rehbein |
August Huntley, Nancy Salisbury Huntley, and Carol Sweet Tripodi |
Lilliam Koert Brasher and guest |
Ruthe Brigden Swindell, Lucille Abruzzini Barile, Faye Wright Galinat, Diane Campbell Sarver, Diane Dunmire, and Joyce Jacoby Rothstein |
Ronald Pride Collins and Eddie McManus |
Ronald Pride Collins and Leo Sorel |
Joanne Mendoza Iwens and Merhia Clark McDonald |
Eadie and Richard Regenburgh |
Faye Wright Galinat, Diane Campbell Sarver and Winston Sarver |
Leo Sorel, Faye Wright Galinat, Diane Campbell Sarver and Winston Sarver |
Leo Sorel and Lita Goldstein Poehlman |
Jan & Ed Devita |
Jeanine Hansen Bieberick and Ron Grampa |
Steve and Judy dancing |
Tommy and Ana Goon |
Phyllis Hoffman Pelletier and Sandy Aument |