45th Reunion

Picture Set 8


Dennis Hettinger, Bill Powers, Linda Powers

Shirley Wilson Martel, Joe Nemcik, Maureen Campbell Nemcik, Anna Kneissl Tiffin, Dick Tiffin

Ellen Platt, Bernard Swindell,
Ruthe Brigden Swindell, Lou Vitucci


Tony and Kathy Ulino

Carol Davis Grampa, Enid Godfrey Markley

Buddy Markley, Barry Birdy


Seated: Merhia Clark MacDonald, Carol Parker Wilcox, Linda Hartwell O'Connor
Standing: Sandy Ackerman Cox

Lita Goldstein Poehlman, Marion Hallgren Farezoco, Carol Richardson O'Donley

Richard Regenburgh, Eadie Regenburgh,
Carol Richardson O'Donley


Mary Ann Ungolo Sills, Steve Greenberg,
Cynthia Kindernay Ballard

Seated: Leo Sorel, Nancy Gray Birdy
Standing: Buddy Markley

Lucille Abruzzini Barile, Diane Dunmire Barile


Alan Anderson, Chris Barile,
Delores Watson Allen, Gil Beyer

Reta Cochrane Grant, Joanne Mendoza Iwens,
Carol Parker Wilcox

Chris Barile, Steve Greenberg, Gil Beyer


Lou Vitucci

Leonard and Ann Coverdale

Anna Kneissl Tiffin, Dick Tiffin, Dick Reppucci


Carol Parker Wilcox, Joyce Jacoby Rothstein,
Lou Vitucci, Ruthe Brigden Swindell

Joyce Jacoby Rothstein, Lou Vitucci

Lita Goldstein Poehlman, Lou Vitucci


Lou Jonasz

Jana Tognoli, Lucille Abruzzini Barile, Ellen Platt

Sandy Ackerman Cox, Alan Anderson